Cage & Aviary Birds is written by bird experts for bird fanciers and is packed with club, show and bird related news, advice, birds for sale and comment. Established in 1902, Cage & Aviary Birds provides a wealth of practical advice and tips from the top names in the bird world, plus opinion, controversy, species and hobbyist profiles and nostalgia.
New podcast sheds light on illegal wildlife trafficking
Is your parrot multilingual?
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Stress is ‘contagious’ for zebra finch flocks
Innovative hand-rearing method helps rare pigeon
Cast your vote for the Wildlife Photographer of the Year People's Choice Award 2024
Christmas crackers of yesteryear • To get us all in the festive mood, this selection of gems by our staff writer in the Christmas 1924 issue of Cage Birds prove that the old ones are the best [Is this right? – Ed. (2024)]
Cage & Aviary Birds
All that twitters is not male • Sexing Fifes? Yes, you can do it with some confidence by listening to their voice, but it is important to recognise that musical hens do crop up and can pose as males! TERRY KELLY considers this perennial problem in the second of three articles
Our wonderful years with canaries • It’s with mixed emotions that VICKY BROWN pens her final ‘frill diary’, as changing priorities for the Brown family encourage them to adopt a fresh approach to their birdkeeping
Companion Parrots • Continuing from her article in the October 9 issue, Dot concludes that understanding speech is only one of the ways in which parrots prove their immense potential for fruitful learning. And that represents a challenge for parrot owners
Rare mynas leave it late • Regular contributor GARY BRALSFORD considers some of the gorgeous starling-relatives that are lighting up some UK collections, and also looks back at the men whose expertise inspired his own love for the softbill challenge
The 'gypsy parakeets' of north-east Brazil • This lovely but acutely range-restricted Pyrrhura has responded well to conservation help, but much more is needed. DAVID WAUGH reports on the ambitious translocation work that’s being backed by Loro Parque Fundacion
Fellow feeling: do birds empathise? • Feeling or emotion is a slippery word and for the scientist behaviour is more observable! Nonetheless, biologist PAUL DONOVAN maintains that if we carefully observe the interactions of birds, we can find many examples of comfort, sympathy and co-operation
VIEW FROM THE NORTH DOWNS • A vigorous few hours’ work and David had taken down a redundant aviary – and the result has left an enticing space for a brand new venture…
The role of softfood • Such an essential element in the rearing of healthy youngsters, top-quality softfood can actually contain radically different ingredients, as DAVE BROWN and other experts show
Super dilute fawn & white Bengalese, a tribute to Bernard Howlett and an Irish fancy increase • Welcome to the club and show pages – the bit that's all about you
Club roundup
What's on
Geoff Deller's strong foreign section sets the tone