Cage & Aviary Birds is written by bird experts for bird fanciers and is packed with club, show and bird related news, advice, birds for sale and comment. Established in 1902, Cage & Aviary Birds provides a wealth of practical advice and tips from the top names in the bird world, plus opinion, controversy, species and hobbyist profiles and nostalgia.
Positive innovations by the British Bird Council
Get ready for Think Parrots 2025
Also in the news…
Petition launched to ban driven grouse shooting
Rare species discovered breeding in Herefordshire
Bird-flu restrictions back in place in England
Plus ça change: New Year letters • To kick off this new year, we thought we'd see what was on fanciers’ minds precisely a century ago. Plenty, to judge by the letters column in our first issue of 1925, and here are some prime examples
Editor's Letter
Cage & Aviary Birds
Showtime, Texas-style • SAM WILDES completes the saga he began last week and describes the climax of a tough but unforgettable judging mission in the USA – which featured so much more than birds
Breeding better whites • This colour makes an excellent project for the ambitious breeder/exhibitor, says ADAM FLEMING – and here's how you can set about developing a white line of your own
The birdman of Old Colwyn PART FIVE • In the final instalment of his series, DAVID SHELBOURNE outlines the show performances and selfless work on behalf of the hobby that have graced his recent years with Fifes
SCOTTISH NATIONAL 2024: a personal view • Aside from successfully exhibiting his Border canaries, ANDY JOHNSON was an interested first-time participant at this enterprising and still-novel event. Here are his thoughts about it
Walter Jones: the supreme years • Continuing from last week, MARK JONES recalls the achievements of his late father WALTER JONES, which won him legendary status, in particular at the English and Scottish Nationals
The great tit: cute but feisty • Why is this familiar softbill seldom kept? It's an aggressive little so-and-so, explains BILL NAYLOR, and yet its can-do attitude helps to make it a much-loved garden favourite
Newark hits a new high • The famous EMBBA event in November was mightily impressive for OLIVER CROWTHER and made great preparation for a series of classic shows in this eagerly awaited season
Cecil Puddephatt Shield goes to a Yorkie • Welcome to the club and show pages – the bit that's all about you
Is this the highest 2024 entry for a specialist foreign show in the UK?
‘Unwavering dedication’ at John Balme Memorial event
‘Interesting day was had by all’
First-class open events in pipeline
What's on
Club roundup • Show reports, dates, club notices